Torrent is the largest flood insurance vendor in the industry, helping dozens of WYO companies and their agents succeed in writing flood, growing revenues, and improving customer satisfaction.
Torrent knows how to operate successful flood programs. From their expert leadership team to each and every seasoned and well-trained colleague, Torrent works passionately to do whatever it can to make selling and servicing flood policies and claims easier and more accurate.
Torrent's focus is on providing unique and unsurpassed service to its clients. The company is devoted to using proven, flexible, and continuously improved technologies to automate the flood insurance industry. This means that clients and partners who choose Torrent will have chosen well.
Of the many companies Torrent supports with its TorrentFlood® platform, most transitioned from another provider, with as few as 3,000 policies to hundreds of thousands of policies. Additionally, with Torrent's support, some Torrent clients have started their own flood insurance operations without having any flood policies previously on the books.
Torrent prides itself on providing the highest customer service levels in the industry, and has a 100% customer retention rate.
The TorrentFlood® system was specifically designed to handle flood. TorrentFlood® is 100% web-based, 100% real- time, and running in the cloud, allowing the most prompt and reliable processing and service levels possible. Since it is cloud based, Torrent's system is also highly scalable and customizable to meet various clients' needs at all stages of growth and capacity.
Constantly abreast of FEMA and flood industry data and requirements, Torrent has highly automated many formerly complex flood processes and transactions with timesaving features such as 'Intuitive Compliance,' 'auto-population,' and 'dynamic applications'. Simply put, fewer staff can write more flood, better and faster, and improve customer service levels. Everyone wins.
Torrent strives for excellence in customer service on every transaction, but catastrophic events can be the real test. In both Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Irene, policies underwritten and issued by Torrent clients enjoyed a policy reformation rate of less that 3%. (Reformation is the process of re-underwriting and reissuing a policy so that it properly reflects the risk being insured, which is necessary before the claim can be paid.)
80% of Torrent-processed Hurricane Sandy claims were closed within 60 days, and 95% closed in 120 days, far higher than the industry average.